Welcome To The Feral Human Podcast

Shake Off Your Domestication

Do you feel disconnected from nature? Do you feel like you’re stuck running on a wheel? Do you feel out of control of your life?

Stop living like an animal in a zoo. Don’t accept your domestication. Explore what it means to live like a human. Shake off your domestication and go feral!

Recent Episodes

One Simple Thing That Will Improve Your Life

Turn Off The News

Happy New Moon in Pisces! For today’s episode, I want to share something really simple you can do to improve your life. Well… to be more accurate, it’s more like stop doing it. I want to talk about the news and why you should quit watching it. That’s right. Don’t give the news any more of your precious attention!

The Loss Of Wisdom

The Loss Of Wisdom

I think of wisdom as the combination of knowledge plus experience. I feel like as a culture we are very much moving away from half of that equation. We are quickly becoming a culture that values knowledge far more than it values experience. It’s like the old adage, “in theory, there’s no difference between theory and practice.”

Physical, Mental, And Emotional – It’s All Connected

Woman walking down trail in woods

I consider there to be three aspects when it comes to health. There’s the physical, the mental, and the emotional. Problems in one area almost always create issues in the other two. The problem is that we’ve developed a system that only focuses on one area at a time. What’s often needed is an approach that addresses all three to ensure meeting your health goals.